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Welcome to Jack & Jill Daycare & School Age Program


Jack & Jill Daycare (J&J) and School Age Program (SAP) is a ministry of the Shippensburg Church of the Nazarene.  Jack & Jill is a Christian Child Care Center offering Infant, Toddler, Preschool and School Age Care (K – 5th grades). SAP offers before and/or after school care, care on most days school is closed and all day during the summer.  A Daycare Board amenable to the official Church Board supervises the Daycare. 


The Director gives the overall immediate supervision and qualified teachers and aides staff the daily operations.


Jack & Jill is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS).  The premises, equipment, and facilities of the Day Care conform to all applicable safety and sanitary requirements made by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  The Day Care is a nonprofit institution. Monies received in excess of operating expenses are used for the enhancement of the Day Care’s programming, equipment, and premises.


Included in this booklet is some pertinent information you must know before your first day at Jack & Jill.  Please read it carefully and feel free to call the center (717-532-8064), if you have any questions.


Jack & Jill’s hours of operation are 6:20 AM to 5:30 PM.  Late fees are assessed at the end of the Half Day and at Closing. 


Failure to pick up your child at your contracted time will result in a fee of $1.00 per minute per child, which will be payable immediately to the teacher(s) on duty at the center.  Late pick-up is ONLY for emergencies, it is not an option for later child care.  More than 2 late pickups in a month may result in your child’s dismissal from care.

The program provides care for children who are 6 weeks old through 5th grade. The following is offered:



6 weeks - 36 months FULL-TIME ONLY


*FULL DAY CARE: (At least 2 days a week *If space is available)

3 years old and up


*When available, Jack & Jill offers part-time care: 2 – 5 days a week.  However, when we reach capacity and have a waiting list, part-time students will be offered full-time status and if not taken, their slot will go to the full-time student on our waiting list.


Parents of all children currently enrolled at the Center must complete a file review twice a year in April and October.  A form will be provided to register children for summer care and/or school year care.  Failure to complete the registration form and return it to the office by the designated date may result in the slot being filled by a child on the waiting list.




The primary goal of the program is to provide a safe, healthy, supervised environment for children. The focus of the program’s content is intended to complement the children’s other daily experiences.  The entire program of instruction includes those motor, creative, manipulative, imaginative, rhythmic, language, and science activities and experiences that tend to promote effectively the physical, mental, social, emotional, aesthetic, and spiritual development of children of early childhood age & school age.

Self-directed and teacher-directed studies include science, math, language, social studies, fine arts, computer use, and physical activities.


Religious, as well as other cultural values will be shared with children through stories, songs, prayers and principles of sharing in play and social conduct.  No attempt is made to prejudice a child against the beliefs of his/her parents; however, the atmosphere and objectives of the Day Care are distinctly Christian.


Outside play is part of the daily program – weather permitting.  Children cannot be left inside during outside time due to inappropriate dress since all staff is needed outside.


We want you to go to work and feel comfortable that everything is all right with your child.  To make that a little easier, you may call the center to see how your child is doing, especially if they had a rough night.




Observations and assessments can aid in the development of the child.  One of the tools that we use at Jack and Jill is the Department of Human Services’ “Child Service Report.”  The Child Service Report is completed twice yearly at the Parent/ Teacher Conference/File Review.  The parent will be given a copy of the Child Service Report.



Daily Reports

Daily reports are automatically given in our Infant and Toddler classrooms.  Daily reports are given in our Preschool and School Age Classes as needed, unless requested by the parent.


Parent/Teacher Conferences


Parent/Teacher Conferences will be scheduled at least twice yearly (usually around October and April) and at other times as deemed necessary.  At this conference, the Child Service Report will be reviewed, as well as updating the child’s file.




Many of your children will be with us from birth through 5th grade.  During this time your child will go through many stages, classrooms, teachers, etc.  They will be learning all kinds of things here at Jack & Jill.


No matter if your child enters Jack & Jill at birth, 4 yrs. old, Kindergarten or 5th grade, we want their transition at Jack & Jill to go well.  To help along the way, we will seek to do the following:


Provide a parent information board to follow daily, regarding classes, teachers, things that we will be working on, etc.  Provide parent newsletters at different times during the year.


Specifically, when a child is nearing time to enter another classroom, we will provide him/her with special things/activities to help in this adjustment.   For example: visiting the classroom they are about to enter, having the teacher come and visit their class, the current teacher will be talking and preparing the child/class for the transition, etc.


Besides transitioning to another classroom here at Jack & Jill, we will also be involved in helping with some even bigger transitions such as:  transitioning to Kindergarten.


If your child is ill or must be absent for any reason, please call the center by 9:00 AM to notify our office, in order for our staff to adjust meal counts and staff for the day.




Admissions, the provision of services, and referrals are made all regardless of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation) and disability within the scope of the Jack & Jill facilities and program.


Program services shall be made accessible to eligible persons with disabilities through the most practical and feasible methods available. These methods include, but are not limited to, equipment redesign, the provision of aides and the use of alternative service delivery locations. Structural modifications shall be considered only as a last resort among available methods.


Any individual/student (and/or their guardian) who believes they have been discriminated against in admissions policy, meal service or the use of facilities may file a complaint of discrimination with the following agency, but we encourage you to contact us first.


US Department of Health and Human Services for Civil Rights

Suite 372 Public Ledger Building

150 South Independence Mall West

Philadelphia, PA  19106-911


Commonwealth of PA

Department of Human Services (DHS)

Bureau of Equal Opportunity

Rm 225, Health & Welfare Building

P.O. Box 2675

Harrisburg, PA 17105


Harrisburg Regional Office

333 Market Street, 8th Floor

Harrisburg, PA 17101-2210


(717)787-7279 TTY users only


U.S. Department of Agriculture

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

1400 Independance Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20250-9410

(866)632-9992 or (202)260-1026

Local or Federal Relay (800)877-8339

Spanish Relay (800)845-6136

Fax (833)256-1665 or (202)690-7442


Eletronic link to file civil rights complain (Filing a Program Discrimination Complaint as a USDA Customer):


Admission Procedure:


Complete Day Care Application and Admission Packet.

Pay Registration (1 per family):  Fees are set by the Day Care Board and are NON-REFUNDABLE.  The fees are charged during the initial admission.   The Contract Renewal Fee is charged yearly (1 per child) during the first week of each school year.  The Registration Fee is also charged any time a child is withdrawn and re-entered.  The current fees are:


Registration $50.00;

Contract Renewal $10.00.


Meet with the Director or Office Manager to sign agreement of service/tuition form and Child Adult Care Food Program form.


Obtain a Medical Report form from the Day Care Office and have a physical completed for your child within 60 days of initial enrollment.


Contracts are updated/changed for free at the beginning of the school year, beginning of second half of school year (January) and beginning of the summer session.




The Day Care Board sets tuition on the basis of the program’s needs.  The Director or Office Manager will inform parents of existing tuition rates when they enroll their child(ren) (See attached sheet for current information).


All tuition is due on Friday by 8:30 AM, one week prior to the service week.  Service weeks run Monday through Friday.   If tuition is not in our payment box by Friday at 8:30 AM, a $10 late charge may be added.   Checks and Money Orders are to be made out to Jack & Jill Day Care and placed in the checkbox (by the sign-in stand) by Friday 8:30 AM.  Your canceled check will serve as a receipt.  There is a $14.00 charge for all checks returned for insufficient funds.  After two checks are returned for insufficient funds, only Money Orders will be accepted as payment.


If full payment is not received on Friday by 8:30, a late fee may be applied, and a notice will be put in the child’s cubby.  Students who are not paid for in advance MAY NOT attend. Tuition fees will be payable regardless of absences.


For those students who attend year-round, up to five (depending on how many days the child is enrolled each week) consecutive days of vacation will be granted without payment of a fee per year.  Advance written notice must be submitted two weeks prior to the date in writing. Students attending partial year WILL NOT be granted vacation time.


There is NO CHANGE in tuition on days the center is closed.  Jack & Jill is closed on New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Please be sure to mark these dates on your calendars.


Social Services


Child Care Information Services (CCIS) may be available to eligible families.   Fees are based on income & family size.  A standard sliding fee scale based on PA State Median Income is used to determine cost per week for CCIS families.  Information on application for CCIS is available in the Day Care Office.  Close connections with various human services provide a network of referral services to meet parental and child needs.




Common colds or allergies should not prohibit attendance.  Our Day Care Center follows the recommendations and policies of the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Children with any communicable disease as listed in the American Academy of Pediatrics (ringworm, impetigo, strep throat, etc.) MUST be kept at home.  Jack & Jill has a no lice/no-nit policy.   Our lice policy is that if a child is found to have lice, the parent will be contacted immediately to come pick up the child for treatment. The child must be nit free in order to return to daycare.  You will be notified if your child has been exposed to any contagious disease.


If your child is ill, running a temperature or feeling too bad to be up and around, do not bring your child to daycare.  If your child becomes ill at school or has a temperature of 100.7, we will call you to come pick your child up.


We have a twenty-four-hour symptom free policy.  If your child has a fever, is vomiting, has diarrhea, has pink-eye, etc.  he/she must be symptom-free WITHOUT ANY MEDICATION for twenty-four hours before returning to the center.


We would like for all medications to be given before and/or after Day Care hours.  However, if dosages cannot be adjusted to meet those hours, please remember the following:


All medications must be in the original container from the pharmacy (not over the counter bottles), with the child’s name and instructions on the bottle from the doctor.

If medication is requested to be kept on hand “for emergencies only,” special instructions must be given in writing from the physician.  It must also have a pharmacy label with name and instructions, just like all other meds (i.e. asthma attack, bee stings).


When bringing in medications, you must fill out a special Medication Log, sign it and give it to a staff member (who will then put it in a locked box).  The medicine should never be put in cubbies or left in backpacks.


Physical exams are required twice a year from 6 weeks through 2 years old and yearly from 3 years old to 5 years old according to the PA Department of Health Services until children enter Kindergarten, then they are due in accordance with the state regulations (currently when entering Kindergarten).  You will be notified one month prior to the due date of your child’s yearly exam.  If unable to obtain an appointment until after the present exam date expires, an appointment card from the medical office stating the time, date, and doctor is necessary for your child’s file.


1.  Immediate treatment will be obtained for a child who sustains a minor injury (i.e. scratches, scrapes, and insect bites).

2.  If a major injury occurs, the staff will immediately call for professional help (911).  Parents, designated emergency contact, or the child’s doctor will be notified promptly.


3.  Parents are required to sign a medical emergency form included in the application packet.  (“IF THE EMERGENCY REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, THE STAFF HAS MY PERMISSION TO TAKE MY CHILD TO THE HOSPITAL.”)



Children want and need to know the limits of acceptable and unacceptable behavior; this gives them a sense of security.  With this in mind, discipline shall be based on an understanding of the individual needs and development of the child and shall be directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior. Your child will not be subjected to striking or shaking by the staff.


Employees seek to redirect unacceptable behavior and to teach the child to respect the rights of others, respect the property of others and respect authority. Limits are necessary to maintain safety, protect the health of your child, and guard the rights of others.  Discipline will be based on reason and understanding.  Children will be informed of all rules and regulations.  If rules are broken, staff will:


Take the child aside and discuss the problem – trying to use re-direction with the child.

In some cases, remove the child from the group for a period of time (based on their age: for example, 2 years = 2 minutes) with the understanding that when the child is ready to rejoin the group and cooperate, he/she may do so.


Jack & Jill follows DHS ratios and is not able to provide 1 on 1 care.  If your child will not listen to the teacher, refuses to go with the group, refuses to stay within designated areas, continues to use inappropriate language, harms others, is having a negative effect on the other students or staff, the parent will be called to come and pick the child up.


A conference will be scheduled if a serious problem in discipline arises. If the child’s behavior is such that it has a negative effect on the other children and/or staff, the child will be placed on probation, with the parents’ understanding the behavior may result in the child being withdrawn from the program.


In some cases, the child may be automatically withdrawn (failure to stay in designated areas, running away from the teachers, throwing things, continuing to use inappropriate language, parents unwilling to meet, etc.).


The Director may dismiss a child from enrollment if his/her behavior is such that it is having a negative effect on the other children or staff.


If a child breaks something (toy, equipment, etc.) on purpose, you will be given a bill to replace the item.  We realize that accidents do happen and if it was an accident, you will not be charged.


Food & Nutrition

As a participant in the Child Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), the Day Care menus meet all daily nutritional requirements mandated by the USDA for this particular age group.  A breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack are served daily.  The breakfast and lunch each provide one-third of the child’s daily nutrition requirements as set by the USDA.


All meals served to children under the Child Care Food Program are served at no separate charge regardless of race, color, religious creed, ancestry, national origin (including limited English proficiency), age, or disability.  There is no discrimination in admission policy, meal service or use of facilities.  If you have a complaint, please contact us first. If you are not satisfied with our response any complaints of discrimination should be submitted in writing within 180 days of the incident to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250.


Breakfast begins between 7:00-8:00 AM (depending on the classroom); Lunch begins between 11:00-12:00 (depending on classroom).  The afternoon snack is between 2:45 PM and 4:15 PM (depending on the classroom).  Our menu is posted on the bulletin board at the Day Care entrance (above the sign-in stand).  Please be aware that the menu is subject to change based on the availability of specific foods.

Besides our Infant Room (6 wks. – their first birthday), children are not allowed to bring food into the center except for parties, special diets prescribed by a doctor, or for Religious/Cultural reasons.  Jack & Jill does not provide individualized separate meals, if a different meal is needed the parent will provide it along with a doctor’s note or religious/cultural note.  If meals or substitutes need to be brought into the center due to medical, religious, or cultural reasons, they need to be brought daily in a lunch box (due to our limited storage space) with the child’s name on the lunch box (no heat-ups or refrigerated items).  Lunch boxes should be placed at the child’s cubby.


Diaper Changing


Parents are required to provide diapers/pull-ups, wipes, ointment, a box of disposable latex gloves and an extra set of clothing.  Your child’s name should be marked on each of these items.  When your child is starting to potty train, we ask that only pull-ups with side openings be used (making it easier for him/her to go to the restroom).  Due to limited storage space, please bring one set/pack at a time.   Our staff will notify you, on your child’s daily report card, when you are running low on items.


All diaper rash ointment is considered medication and a medication slip needs to be filled out monthly.  All other medication you send in needs a daily medication slip and needs to be signed in and locked in the classroom lockbox.


We have a diaper wall unit that has your child’s name on their cubby with their diapers, gloves, wipes and ointment.  Your child’s items will ONLY be used for your child.  You do not need to bring a daily diaper bag, since we will have the items on hand.  Please remember to check your child’s cubby daily for wet/dirty clothes to be taken home and then please bring a new set the next day.


If we notice that a certain brand of diapers or pull-ups is prone to leaking, you will be asked to provide a specific brand name.  We keep extra diapers/pull-ups/gloves and wipes on hand in case your child runs out, however, there will be a small fee each time our items are used.  Daily reports are provided at your request.


We ask that when you drop your child off that he/she be in a DRY diaper/pull-up.  If you need to use a changing table here at the center, we ask that you use the Koala’s in the restrooms.


Special Occasions

Birthdays – we will celebrate your child’s birthday at the center.  Parents may provide simple refreshments for the children.  Please notify your child’s teacher if you wish to bring something.


Parties will be held at different times of the year:  i.e. fall, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter and other special days as announced.



All clothing should be clearly and permanently marked.  This includes jackets, coats, caps, boots, etc.  The Day Care cannot be responsible for lost articles.


Children should be dressed appropriately for outside play and daycare activities.  Children should be able to walk and run without their shoes falling off their feet (flip-flops are not appropriate, shoes must have a back strap).  Complete independence of adult help in dressing is a goal our children are encouraged to achieve.  Fastenings should be manageable by the child.


An extra set of clothing is needed which should be left at the Day Care (this includes underwear).  Please place the extra set of clothing in a large zip lock bag and mark the child’s name on the bag and clothes.  If a child needs his/her clothing changed and the change of clothing is not available, we will call you to bring clothes in.


During summer water play days, please be sure that your child is wearing appropriate water clothing including swimsuits that do not bare their midriff.


Nursery/Toddler/Preschool Nap Time


Each afternoon, a nap period is provided for all Infant, Toddler, and Preschool children.  Individual mats are used for each child.  Please bring a crib size blanket and a SMALL pillow.  Due to the limited cubby space, please DO NOT send large blankets/ sleeping bags or full-size pillows.  Naptime items should be placed in the nap bag provided on your child’s first day (it will have his/her name on it) and hung by the child’s cubby.  Each week the items should be taken home to be washed (State law requirement) and placed by their cubby.  Space is not available for children who do not nap or rest quietly.


Removal from Day Care


If your child is being withdrawn from the Day Care, a two-week written notice should be given at the Day Care Office in order to give ample time for us to notify those on our waiting list.   If a two-week notice is not given, you are responsible for the payment of the two weeks.


Parent Participation


1.  Parents should park their cars in the side parking lot and enter the side door of the Church.  We have a security system and you will be given a code to enter the building.   The Pennsylvania Department of Health Services requires that all vehicles are turned off and that keys are removed from the vehicle before entering the Day Care.


2.  Entrance & Exit Procedures for Vehicles…Due to the heavy flow of traffic at Jack & Jill…All vehicles are to ENTER from Orange Street onto Sherman and then EXIT going toward Sheetz on Sherman, turn right at the alley and then right onto the next alley exiting by Premier Events.

3.  Parents must accompany their child inside the Day Care each morning, sign them in on the sheet provided, and walk the child to their classroom.  In the afternoon, the parent must come inside to pick up the child and sign them out.   A child should never be dropped off in the parking lot or at the entrance, always walk them to their class and make sure the teachers see them enter.

4.  Child I.D. System:  Each student is given their own I.D. Card.  The card will contain the child’s picture, name, class, DOB, age, parent contact info, emergency contact info.  The ID Card travels with the child throughout the day.


5.  Please notify the teacher if someone other than the usual person will pick the child up.


6. The Day Care Office should be notified IMMEDIATELY of any changes in the parent’s employment or phone numbers.


7. A newsletter will be given to each parent as needed throughout the year. Newsletters will contain the daily schedules and announcements of special events.  A parent information board is provided as parents walk into the lower level of the Day Care.  The board highlights daily and weekly information for parents, including dates, teachers, activities, special things to note, etc. There will also be a spring program.  File Reviews/Parent Conferences will be scheduled every six months.


Our Infant Room (6 wks. until 1 yrs. old)


We would like to welcome you and your precious little bundle to our infant classroom.  Often, we find child care to be a new experience for most infant parents, so we try to put your mind at rest and answer most of your questions at the beginning.


All infants are on their own individual feeding and sleeping schedules.  A weekly schedule of activities is followed to help in the development of language and motor skills according to the child’s age.  Some of the things that the day includes are songs, stories, floor activities, rocking, cuddling, hugs and lots of love.


Your child is special to you and to us, so we try to make every day of separation as easy as possible.  The first time to the center please bring in a written schedule of feeding and nap times – update it as needed.  We’ll follow their schedule as close as we can.  Each morning when you bring your baby in, there will be a child’s report to fill out informing the staff of the kind of night they had and what time their next bottle is due, etc.  You will receive a written daily report of their feedings and other information.  As your baby grows he/she will get on a regulated classroom schedule.

A few suggestions to help your baby transition from home care to child care are:

>The state requires that babies sleep on their backs.  So, if your child is sleeping on their belly at home, it will help him/her transition better by having them learn to sleep on their back as well.

>We realize that babies love to be held and we love to hold them.   Here at Jack & Jill our babies will be held, sleep in their own crib, use the swing, bouncy chair, etc.

>A daycare environment can be noisy so be aware that your baby will learn to sleep with noise.


Please notify the center:  when you introduce new foods or formulas; when you introduce new equipment:  exersaucers, jumperoo’s, etc.  Any other items that you think would be helpful.


You will need to provide diapers, wipes, ointment, a box of disposable latex gloves and two-three sets of extra clothing: tops, pants, socks (placed in a zip lock bag with your child’s name on it).  Your child’s name should be clearly marked on each of these items.


Daily you will need to bring bibs, burp cloths, bottles, formula and food.  Please mark each item with your child’s name.  Special teething toys may be brought in.  In addition, classroom toys are readily available.  All toys are sanitized on a regular basis.


Sheets in the infant room are provided by the child care center.  They are laundered as needed.  Blankets for swaddling are provided by the parent.  Once swaddling days are over, DHS does not allow us to use blankets, so please dress your baby in warm clothes.


Diaper rash ointment & Orajel are considered medication and our medication log needs filled out and left for “as needed.”  All other medication you send in needs a daily medication log.


Infant over the counter medications needed for teething or shots will only be given with a doctor’s note stating medicine, dosage and times.  Here again, we prefer for parents to administer the medications.


As your baby grows and transitions to the Toddler Room (1 yr old), we will be working with the parents in this process as they begin to eat regular food (non-pureed) and drink from sippy cups.


Our Toddler Rooms (1&2 yrs. old)


We would like to welcome you to our toddler classrooms.


At this point, all toddlers are on a regular eating and sleeping schedule. A weekly schedule of activities is followed to help in the development of language and motor skills according to the child’s age.  Some of the things that the day includes are songs, stories, art activities, motor development activities, outside play, cuddling, hugs and lots of love. The schedule of activities for the Toddlers will be listed in the classroom.

Each morning when you bring your toddler in, we ask that you inform the teacher about their previous night and health. You will receive a written daily report of their meals and other information.


You will need to provide diapers/pull-ups, wipes, ointment, a box of disposable latex gloves and one set of extra clothing (unless potty training then multiples): tops, pants, socks (placed in a zip lock bag with your child’s name on it).  Your child’s name should be clearly marked on each of these items.


Classroom toys are readily available.  All toys are sanitized on a regular basis.


Diaper rash ointment & Orajel are considered medication and our medication log needs filled out and left for “as needed.”  All other medication you send in needs a daily medication log.


Toddler over the counter medications needed for teething or shots will only be given with a doctor’s note stating medicine, dosage and times.  Here again, we prefer for parents to administer the medications.  If you know your child needs Orajel or other meds for teething or shots, please administer before bringing them to the center.


Basic Toddler Schedule


                           7:45 AM – 8:15 AM         Breakfast

                           8:15 AM – 11:15 AM       Class Time
                          11:15 AM – 11:45 AM     Lunch

                           12:30 PM – 2:30 PM        Nap

                           2:30 PM – 5:30 PM          Free Play Time


Our Preschool Rooms (3 to 5 yrs. old)


We would like to welcome you to our preschool classrooms.


Preschool Tentative daily schedule:


  6:20 – 7:15          Centers / Free Play

  7:15 – 7:30          Clean-up / Bathrooms

  7:30 – 8:00          Breakfast (Depending on Classroom)

  8:00 – 8:35          Group Activities

  8:35 – 8:45          Bathrooms/Music & Movement

  8:45 - 9:00          Bible Time

  9:00 – 11:30        Class Time

 11:30 – 12:00       Lunch

 12:00 – 12:45       PS Free Play

 12:45 – 2:30         PS Nap Time

  2:30 – 2:45          Bathrooms

  2:45 – 3:15          Snack Time

  3:15 – 5:00          Free Play Time

  5:00 – 5:30          Centers / Children combined



Our School Age Room (K-5th grade) - Due to staffing shortages, we have temporarily stopped enrolling students in our school age program.


We would like to welcome you to our school-age program.


SA is available before and after school.

SA is available for drop-in services (we must be notified at least 24 hours in advance, and if space is available).

SA is available on the late start/early dismissal days

SA is available on most days school is closed.

SA is available all day during the summer.

SUMMER INCLUDES: Vacation bible school, active/sports days, keep you guessing days, etc. Please dress your child appropriately for the planned activity including modest attire, field trip t-shirts (when needed) and swimsuits that touch at the midriff.


School Age Program


Tentative Daily Schedule:


6:20                 Centers / Free Play

6:50 – 7:00       Clean-up / Bathrooms

7:00 – 7:30       Breakfast

7:45 – 8:00       Bible & Worship Time

8:00-8:30         Out to Bus & Off to School



3:30 - 3:45       K-5th Return from JB School

4:00 - 4:15       K-3rd Return from NG School Snack

4:15 – 5:00       Outside Play, weather permitting

5:00 – 5:30       Centers / Children all together



The Department of Human Services Code for Daycares is now available online as well as in the vestibule of the daycare. Please see the office with any questions you may have regarding the code.


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