Jack and Jill Daycare
415 E. Orange St., Shippensburg, PA
About Us

The Jack & Jill (JAJ) Nursery School, Preschool and Extended Day Care and the School Age Program (SAP) are child care ministries owned and operated by the Shippensburg Church of the Nazarene, Shippensburg, PA, and are subject to the doctrines and polity of said Church as explicated in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene. The Center is governed by a Day Care Board (which is an integral part of the said Church), amenable, to the Official Church Board of the Shippensburg Church of the Nazarene. JAJ/SAP has two Directors, who give overall immediate supervision to the leadership and administration of the program. The teachers, aides, and support staff carry out the daily operations of the child care center.
The Center is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS). The premises, equipment, and facilities of the Center conform to all applicable safety and sanitary requirements made by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Center is a non-profit institution.
We strive to provide a link between specific family needs and ministry opportunities in the Shippensburg Church of the Nazarene. We encourage scholastic, social and physical development and achievement, Christian moral values, and a healthy self-esteem by providing a nurturing, supportive atmosphere for those who learn, teach, parent and administer.
We are a Christian Day Care Center. Our basic philosophy is that the children entrusted to us will become conscious of the fact that Christianity is a way of life as demonstrated by those of us who care for them. We believe God's Word mandates Christian education, and as Christ is the center of our lives, He will be the center of our child care center. We require staff members to demonstrate this philosophy through their interaction with children, their parents, and other staff members.
We exist to help children develop emotionally, socially, intellectually, physically, and spiritually. Discipline and instruction are administered firmly but with great love, for the purpose of teaching. Spanking, shaking or hitting a child are forms of punishment NOT used in our center. Appropriate attitudes and behavior will be encouraged and developed through daily living in a Christian atmosphere by utilizing biblical principles with skillful, loving staff members.
Our teachers, appreciating individual differences, attempt to create an environment in which each child is free to play, learn, experiment and grow at his or her own rate without undue pressure of competition, while not infringing on the rights of others.
We believe that each child is a unique individual of intrinsic worth created in the image of God.